Dive Master/Dive Guide Bundle
Class Enrollment Fee $1995.00 sans tax.

SSI Dive Guide is SSI’s initial dive leadership level and is considered by many as the ‘fun’ leadership rating. That’s because you can do more than any other entry-level dive leader. You can do more because you receive both dive master and Dive Guide certifications. With other agencies, these courses are separate.
Instructor Program
Course Fee $3995 sans tax.
Are you drowning in a sea of paper and landlocked reality? Then maybe it’s time to become an SSI Instructor and work in an office that covers 3/4 of the world! There is high demand for full and part-time SSI Instructors at retail shops and exotic resorts. Graduates of the SSI program are not just teachers; they know the industry, the business, how to sell dive trips and equipment, and how to produce confident, comfortable divers.
To start charting your adventure in leadership with SSI’s Dive Leader Education System, select one of the beginning level courses: Dive Control Specialist or Open Water Instructor. Or, if you are ready to move on to the next level, choose from one of the Continue or Share courses. The table below lists the leadership courses offered at Divetech with links to more detailed descriptions of the courses from SSI.
NOTE: There are NO refunds on classes. Student initiated schedule changes will result in a $150 fee per incident one week prior to class start or $300.00 per incident if change is during the week of the class. All courses must be completed within six months of original start date.